In early springs, when the winter approaches, the threat of frost becomes high. Just as we prepare ourselves for winter with sweaters, jackets, and warm clothes, just the same way, plants require some pampering in order to protect them.
Unlike native plants, some are so sensitive that some of the frost-hardy plants can even die due to sudden temperature falls. For the gardener, spring is the most challenging season that tightens their belts for protecting their plants and gardeners start to monitor the weather updates.
Frost cracks on bark, freezing death, frost damage, and root damage are the most occurring disasters that plants face when the freezing temperatures dip. It's good to prepare for the cold weather and protect your plants rather than see them ruined in front of your eyes.
Just a little more effort and attention are needed in order to protect plants and keep them safe. Keeping them under good shelter and covering them with good quality plant coverings can help you so much in protecting plants.
Watering daily is very important and essential for plants growing. Water your plants thoroughly during the daytime. Well-damp soil is very essential for plants and can hold more heat than dry soil. Do not water your plants during the harsh sunlight or at night when the temperature drops. It can cause the death of plants.
You can even place the plastic milk jugs filled with warm water and set them around your plants. These jugs will release the heat more slowly than soil and help in protecting plants from frost.
You can protect your plants from birds and harmful species, by thanking the net coverings! If you are a gardener then having a good quality plant net covering is a must. Plant netting allows enough sunlight, air, and moisture to pass through the gaps and protects the plants from insects and pests that can cause damage to plants.
Even when the weather warms, the hot dry wind causes unproductive yield, net coverings are the easiest and most budget-friendly way to protect your plants from harsh weather conditions.
If you are a gardener, then installing a cold frame or a small greenhouse can be quite costly. The best alternative you can add for protecting your plants from frost is Garden Horticultural Fleece (blankets and bubble wrap can also contribute). They create a tent-like structure by placing several stakes around your plants, then cover with the chosen material.
The garden fleece conserves the warmth which helps the plants to fight against the cold air and gives frost protection.
Place your frost-tender plants under a safe shelter spot that can protect them from cold winds. Just place your portable plants in a safe place and set them a few feet off the ground to radiate back heat to your plants.
The sunny shelter spot is ideal for many many tender plants, but do not place the early-flowering plants so that they are exposed to the morning sun.
You can make your garden disease and pest free by practicing good sanitation. Cleaning up the debris from plants with good quality garden cleaning equipment doesn't give any chance to pests and diseases to grow anywhere or hide inside the plants.
Some easy thing to do that will helps you in sanitizing your garden much better. Removing the weeds, destroying the residues of crops, picking up fallen fruit, adding clean mulch, and trimming the dead branches. Sanitation will also help in preventing diseases and soilborne pathogens.
Whether it's heat wave days or freezing frost nights, both are injurious for plants. To protect them from frosting or from harsh sunlight, bring potted plants indoors especially tender and young plants. Keeping new plants and containers indoors prevents the stunted growth of plants and helps the plants to grow without any damage.
Cloches are the best for frost protection for smaller plants. A cloche is a bell-shaped cover that protects the plant from the cold air as it traps the warm. It is the best method that can protect plants from frost in the vegetable patch. It also protects seedlings
You can also go for the DIY cloches just like cutting the top of a milk jug and an upside-down bucket or flower pot can also play the part.
Insulate the tender plants by adding a layer of mulch to your garden beds, which will help to protect the soil from sudden temperature swings.
The mulch base around the plant is very important. Apply dry mulch, such as chipped bark or straw around borderline-hardy plants. Leaf mold or piles of leaves can also be added for some extra protection on garden beds. Good quality organic soil is also a good option as it retains the moister and results in favor of preventing frost-forming.
A frost pocket is a depression of land where the Cold air drains and it can't get out. These pockets are also known as frost hollows. The plants located in depressed areas can suffer frost damage. Try to identify the frost pockets in your garden and lessen the effect by making gaps in any surrounding shelter. Avoid bedding new plants in such low places and try to move tender plants from these areas.
Avoid planting early spring flowering plants in frost pockets, particularly fruit trees, as the flowers may not survive. Planting early spring flowering plants should be avoided in frost pockets, particularly fruit trees, as the survival of flowers is difficult.
Try to deviate and keep the animal away with Odor repellants. The bad taste repellents when sprayed on vulnerable plants cause the animal to feel sick. It may not cause any long-term damage to them but can keep your plants safe as well as keeps the animal away.
Just as the coverage of good-quality plant covers requires, same as pesticides and animal repellents are needed to be applied every few weeks. You can add things like salt, flour, and beer to your plants.
These are little tips that can help you to protect such vulnerable plants from frost and sudden cold snaps of weather or from insects. Try to create insulation barriers around a plant to protect them from harsh weather conditions. Hope this tip leaves you with plenty of ideas that help you to maintain your garden and keep t safe from frost. Just try to do several things in preparation according to the weather prediction.